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Live Capture One Pro 8 Webinar with Bob DeLellis and David Grover of Phase One

Join me and David Grover next Tuesday August 11th at 9AM PST for a live webinar on how to set up Capture One Pro 8 to make the switch from Lightroom easier. We will spend an hour going over the steps I put in my recent tutorial, plus we’ll be taking questions. Come spend an hour with us and see the potential for better image quality and more robust editing tools in Capture One Pro 8.


August 11, 2015
Capture One Pro 8 Webinar:
Lightroom to Capture One Pro with Bob DeLellis

Bob recently guest wrote on our blog here about the steps he took to easily transition from Lightroom to Capture One.

Therefore we thought what better way to help you than to have Bob in person, describing his custom workspace, shortcuts and knowledge to make your life easier.

Join myself and Bob to ease your transition.

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